Bus Info

Eligibility: Students are eligible for transport assistance if they meet all three criteria below.

Daily Bus List:- Our fabulous office team keeps the bus lists up to date. Your child's name needs to be on the bus list so we can help ensure they get on the bus at the end of the school day. For safety reasons, it is important that you notify the school office if your child is not going home on the bus. This will ensure that all students are accounted for. 

Students who are not entitled to use the bus must make arrangements with our operator, Go Bus, if they wish to use the school bus service.

Bus Code of Conduct:- All students on our bus list are asked to read and sign a Bus Code of Conduct at the beginning of each year. This outlines expected behaviour. If needed, the principal will investigate any reports of poor behaviour and parents may be approached to help correct the issue. 

TTS Copy of Alexandra School runs 5/10/23.xlsx