TTS Strategic & Annual Plan 2024 - 2026

What is a Strategic Plan?

Our Strategic Plan is our guiding document that builds on the great learning that is already happening at TTS. 

It encompasses our strategic goals that set the path for what we want to see learners in our school working on, and how we shape the school in the coming years - from student achievement and progress, systems and processes, the culture and feel of our school right down to the buildings and grounds.

We've collected feedback from students, staff, whanau and the School Board to help create this document and set goals for the next 3 years. We are currently working with our local iwi, to support the te reo and tikanga Māori within this document.

Our vision statement is our key overarching goal to work towards.

Our mission statement, the how we will work to achieve this. 

Our values underpin what's important as we work towards our goal of developing caring, connected learners who enrich our place.

Each year, progress on these key objectives are monitored and reviewed by the Board and staff and shared with the Ministry of Education.

See our current Strategic Plan below.

MOE 3844 TTS Strategic Plan 2024.pdf